Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Its early and still dark outside. I hope to get in the water for about a hour before we do our Turkey Day Drive. Type in surf books below and see some great books for gifts or your personal collection.

I went out with my wife, daughter and her boyfriend for the Thanksgiving Day surfing cup award. It was only the four of us down the street from our house. The surf was small but the shape was clean and fun. We surfed for about 90 minutes, we all caught some juicy waves hooting and howling for each other. My wife gave out the awards at dinner later that day . It was so much fun surfing with my family, I look forward to some travels with my wife who is a great body boarder and friend to this surf junkie.
We all gave thinks and got out of the water ready for our Turkey Day drive.

Enter the House of Dreams Charity Raffle

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