Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Boat Ride

Tuesday this week I made the trip to the Santa Barbara Coastline called the Ranch. The only way to get in if you do not own property is to boat in. We launched at 7am and were in the water surfing about 8:30. We chugged up the coastline and there was no wind and the swell had dropped from the previous day. When we first arrived it was still high tide and the surf was OK but as the tide dropped and the swell jacked up to head high on the sets. Some sweet and clean sets were had by all it was only use three and one other boat with three. We all had a great time. We started back south about 1pm and stopped for one more session before we had to leave. We stopped and to my surprise it was head high and a couple of feet over head on the sets. This was powerful and fun I was slammed more than once but it was all good. We surfed for over an hour and that was about all I could do before my arms fell off.
The place is so clean and peaceful no one around and the ocean was our playgrounds what fun for a bunch of men playing like boys...

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