Saturday, December 29, 2007

I am Back to Finish out the Year!

Suite of the Month Sale at Sandals Resorts

I have been gone for a few days working and with family over it has been hard to get into the clubhouse to put down my Journal.

The surf has been off and on for the last few days. I went out on Christmas Day with my wife, daughter and her Bo. We went out at the Pier, it was big and consistent. The shape was not all that good but every 10 minutes a good wave would make it's way through to the beach. It was so much fun surfing with the family I really enjoyed the fact it was only us plus a few friends. It was a great way to start the day before we got into the presents and all that food. It was a great Christmas Day we all got waves, presents and ate like kings.

Today the surf was meager the sets had little shape hitting the shallow shoreline and slamming down hard. It was difficult to get into the pocket because there was so little time to surf before it closed out on the beach. I pearled on one wave and it tweaked my back but nothing bad. It was one of those days that the best part of surfing is how you feel when you get out. That explains it for me today. I had not been in the water for 4 days and it sure felt good to get back and then to relax after getting out. (The Good Life)

Keep your eye on the destination, things happen quickly life will leave you wondering what happened unless you take action. The metaphors I get from surfing have helped me in my personal and business life. In order to make things happen you need to go for it, do not hesitate or deliberate to long. ONCE YOU PADDLE IN YOU CAN ONLY REACT TO WHAT THE WAVE WILL GIVE YOU, LIFE IS THE SAME WAY. PEOPLE IN BUSINESS HAVE TO DEAL WITH SHARKS WITHIN THEIR OWN COMPANY. I WILL NOT HARP ON THE FACT THAT NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE OR WHO YOUR WORKING WITH THE STORY REMAINS THE SAME. TAKE ACTION AND LEARN HOW TO REACT TO PEOPLE AND STRESSFUL SITUATIONS WHEN THEY COME UP.


Oh yea buy yourself a Tommy Bahama Shirt Today for half price.

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