Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Session

Early morning go out after late go out yesterday. Today is Sunday and I have commitments and need to get in and out in the morning if I want to get wet today. So I did and it was not crowded for a Sunday and the waves had a little juice still in them. I surfed for about 90 minutes and had three waves that made my day. It was sunny offshore and cold! Gave Thanks and got out!

Today is another sad day for the loss of another fine Individual who had an effect on so many lives. This individuals was Patty Silvera who was a local Secretary at our school. She worked for 30 years in a small community and she was there for my two children. The crowning moment for us was when our son who was in second grade was hurt at school and she supplied the mothering skills that kept us all in check. Hundreds of people showed up today at her celebration at our local Veterans Hall. I was especially touched by her just getting to talk to her for only a few minutes on a regular basis at 6am in the morning. Her positive voice and warm tone always made me feel special. Oh yea my wife has worked with her substituting and working with Patty closely for so many years we are deeply touched by this loss. You see she was only 60 and it happened over the weekend and it was like an earthquake in our community. It was pointed out today that it is extraordinary and when people who are good and they pass early or late. When those who do evil or those who's only concern is for themselves leave nothing behind. This Woman was an example to us all to check ourselves and make sure u are helping others with nothing expected in return.
God Bless and Good luck out there....
Remember give thanks and get out!

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