Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Crowds & Some Size

It was COLD today at the beach. We normally do not get into the 30's around here but today was an exception. The frost was everywhere when I drove to my favorite spot only to find 10 people in the water by dawn. There was good reason the sets were marching in like soldiers going to battle. I was not real quick to get my wetsuit on because it was freezing cold and my wetsuit was wet and cold from hanging outside over night.

I hung out with my friends for about an hour before the sun was up and it started to warm a little. Once I got into the water it was calm and warm in my estimation. Warmer than the air that is for sure. It was semi crowded but I went out and picked off a couple right out the gates. These waves were a little over head but they had some punch to them.

It was so much fun the only down side is people in this popular spot don't always know how to surf or they don't know the etiquette. This is the dangerous part because if they do not know what to do in a critical situation someone is going to get hurt.
Enough said on Sunday it is expected. I had fun gave my thanks and said CYA all...

when your done surfing or whatever make sure u have the correct BBQ equipment to party like a rock star.

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