Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Surfing

I had a busy week no surf Monday Thru Friday only work. I must say today was a great day for a Saturday, I waited until the tide came up and went out about 11am. Most of the crowd was gone and only a few people spread out nobody was sitting on top of each other. The water was clean and u could see the bottom as u paddeled out and when I surfed the waves.

Today was sunny the water was warm there was no wind to speak of. The Faces of the waves were so clean. I enjoyed the friendly crowd people were having a good time. I surfed about two hours it sure felt good to get back in the water. I have been addicted to surfing for many years. It seems to me that the limited time we have on this earth we must be doing what we love even if it is only on the weekends. I raised two children and missed a ton of days but I always made the extra effort to go early in the mornings so I could make it to work on time.


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