Saturday, December 8, 2007

Surf Till Dark

Today was a cold and windy day. The swell is still up at my usual spot and to big and blown to surf. This means finding the place where the weather and swell can come together and produce a few fun ones for the crew. Guess what that is just what happened today. A small group of us who all know each other had the pleasure of sharing the windy conditions and a ton of waves. They were coming in like a machine for awhile. This place requires that you paddle across a fairly large body of water with the tide dropping u get sucked out to sea if you are not careful. The tide was going to a minus and it was moving quickly. The wind was blowing really hard with gusts that could move u standing still. Once there the rest is history shoulder high fun waves were had by all. It was a classic winter day here in Central Cal. Surfed till Dark gave thanks and made the journey back to the warm and cozy home...

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