Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Being There at Dawn


Yesterday I had to work and it was all time at one of my favorite spots. The stories were
consistent from a couple of my friends who I know do not exaggerate to much. The thing about surfers is that they do have a tendency to exaggerate similar to fisherman and the size of that fish they caught surfers are the same way. So after hearing the stories I was convicted to go out first thing so I could make it to work on time. My best friend and I were there at dark she was in first and when I was done walking the dog I followed.
We were the only ones in the water for about 30 minutes and then another guy came out. I had fun on the lefts they were short but had a nice steep take off. It was by no means all time but it was fun and I was so happy to be there. The sunrise today was red and orange the scattered clouds in the sky put out a reflection that was like a fire in the sky.

I want to say it was a great feeling to go to work knowing I had experienced a whole days wroth of joy before most people even get out of bed.....I gave thanks and got out!

Keep yourself healthy by getting the proper exercise and diet and don't forget your rest.
I believe if you do this you will be one of the fortunate ones who get do enjoy the physical pleasures life into the later years when others fall by the wayside...

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