Monday, January 14, 2008

Today and Last Friday

Today it was go out or go crazy. I am still sane however the waves were not so good but the exercise was great. The last couple of days it was going off, well overhead and consistent.
The show was on in our little town all the best surfers in our area showed up and there were some awesome displays of tube ridding. The waves were hitting the sand bar off the pier and it was showing signs of perfection. I did not go out because of the size and the crowds. I have been there done that. I was bummed I must admit for not going out, but my better judgement was telling me CHILL OUT... so I did.
That is why today was a must surf for me..

Friday Jan 11 was my day, I did a double session and had so much fun. It was crowded but it was going off. I hit my quota for wave count and then some. I gave thanks and got out only to get back in three hours later. I surfed until my arms could no longer perform the task I was asking of them.
It was a great day with great waves a rare experience to be cherished..

Keep the faith and make your own beer
Mr. Beer - Makes A Great Gift!

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